Meet Coach Bobby
I am Bobby Bluford, founder and creator of Ultimate Muscle Confusion and the UMC Bootcamp. I have been studying and applying the art of health, fitness, and self-improvement for more than a quarter-century.
I played college football at UC Davis, where I earned a B.S. in Managerial Economics in 1995. I later earned an MBA from Santa Clara University in 2004 and applied that knowledge to run two startups over a decade as Vice President of Finance and CFO.
Throughout all of that, I’ve maintained a health and fitness routine while managing different stages of life. Work. Marriage. Parenthood. Injury. Loss. All of this, along with continued learning in all areas of fitness and nutrition, has taught me all of the lessons that go into my philosophy and ideology behind getting and staying in shape and prepared me now to share those lessons.
UMC, founded in 2012, is a culmination of more than 25 years of health and fitness experience that started in 1990. It combines training methods that date back decades with newly discovered ones to create what I believe is the most efficient approach to exercise. The program also outlines Nutrition guidelines and provides opportunities for an increased knowledge in how our bodies work and how and what to feed them. But, while I believe UMC’s exercise system is unique and unparalleled, and I help people to understand the importance of nutrition, I believe the true value in me and our program is the focus on mindset, program design, and practical strategy. UMC not only provides the tools necessary for success, but guidance, follow-up, and motivation on how to use them!